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Current Projects

Missing Maps Project

Millions of people, villages, and towns around the world are not located on a map. Missing Maps provides a way to put them all on the map. Anyone can log on, create an account, and map out towns by marking huts, streets, city centers and more with the aid of satellite images and the easy-to-use online mapping platform.


Humanity First uses meeting times to engage in this initiative and collectively log on to map out such areas. See our events calendar for the next time we plan to hold a Mapathon! For more info visit

Rayse Academy

Rayse Academy partners with schools currently in India (but is continuously expanding) to bring online education to the fingertips of children living in poverty. Rayse establishes a separete Academy at such schools and equips them with Google chromebooks. Leveraging online tools such as Khan Academy,, and, students are able to dramatically further their education and get many steps closer to real employment.

Humanity First partners with Rayse to conduct shool and regional level analytics to draw insight on and track student and class performance. Contact an HF representative if interested in getting involved. 

Food Distribution
Food Distribution Team
Food Distribution
Food Distribution
Food Packaging

Humanity First partners with local food banks such as Emmanuel Food Bank to distribute food to the local underprivileged, providing transportation to all such events. If interested, see the events schedule for the next planned food distribution. 

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